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Неделя иностранных языков


Here it has come at last! At Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute this week is the week of foreign languages. For seven days all the students of the English department have been taking part in different contests and entertainments closely connected with  English and German.

On Monday evening our students had a chance to check their logic and intuition in the popular game “100x1”.

On Tuesday it was a self-government day. Some groups were surprised to find out that teachers and students had changed their duties. (But for one day only!)

On Wednesday there was joy for stomach. Everyone who wanted to try national English and American food was welcomed.

On Thursday “a flea market” took place. The motto of the day is “Buy a thing and help the child!”

And the final grandiose event is being held on Friday. We are choosing “A Mister of English department”! The best young men are presenting their abilities in the great performance. You’ll definitely never forget this show!!!